If you wish to build a professionally looking website, but you don't have much experience and are not sure what app to use, it may help if your Internet hosting company provides an Internet site installer tool. Unlike the popular app installers that are essentially just a group of scripts, a website installer will help you to select the most suitable application with regards to the kind of site which you wish to build. This will save you the time and efforts to check whether a particular script can get the job done or not. Just a handful of companies provide Internet site installers, but if you have this sort of a tool at your disposal, you can start your Internet presence fast and easy. What you shall get will be a ready-to-use site which you can begin customizing according to your taste and requires using the back office of the newly installed application.

Website Installer in Shared Website Hosting

If you choose one of our shared website hosting packages, you will be able to create a website with ease through the free website installer which will be available in your Hepsia hosting Control Panel. The instrument is a breeze to use even if you don't have any experience since all it takes to set up a site is to choose a domain and a template for it and to type in the login credentials for the site back office. We offer more than a thousand templates that are available free of charge and the relevant ones for the type of website you would like to build shall appear when you pick a category. This will permit you to save hundreds, if not thousands of dollars on website design services given thatyou shall only have to include your content to the newly set up Internet site, which is most of the work a designer would do. The full process takes onlyseveral minutes, so your new site will be working in no time.

Website Installer in Dedicated Web Hosting

If you get one of our dedicated server plans and the machine is set up with the Hepsia Internet hosting Control Panel, you shall be able to employ our in-house built site installer and launch a brand new Internet site in just minutes through a very intuitive interface. You'll be able to use the instrument regardless of your level of experience simply because all it takes to set up a website through it is to select a domain or a subdomain hosted on the server, choose a template from the 1000+ templates that we provide free of charge to our clients, and then to type in the password and username which you'd like to use to enter the site admin area where you could add and update the website content. The installer will do almost everything that most web designers do, but you'll not need to spend lots of cash to have a professionally-looking website.