Controlling your digital communication easily is ratherimportant, so in case you create a personal or a business web site and you'd like to exchange e-mails with business partners or friends, you should ensure that you have quick accessibility to all the options that an email service should include. Just a couple of examples are: autoresponders, e-mail forwarding and mailing lists, because these options will come in handy in your email communication. You will be able to save considerable time and efforts, particularly if you don't have much practical experience but you would still like to use email addresses with your private domain name instead of a generic third-party email service. Private email addresses look much more convenient and reliable when you get in touch with potential customers.

Advanced E-mail Manager in Shared Website Hosting

The Email Manager tool that is a part of our custom-made Hepsia Control Panel and that is provided with our Linux shared website hosting packages offers you total control over every aspect of your email communication. With just a few clicks you will be able to do anything you would like, from uncomplicated tasks like creating/deleting a mailbox, forwarding emails or setting up anti-spam protection, to more complex ones such as using mailing lists or activating SPF protection for a given domain that you host in your account. All features are conveniently put together in one place and they're available through right-click context menus and instant access links with the help of a very user-friendly interface. Even if you have never had a website hosting account of yours before, you'll be able to handle your email messages efficiently and without difficulty. Comprehensive how-to articles plus training videos that are available in the Email Manager will show you the most efficient technique to do any task.