A catch-all e-mailbox is one that gathers all the messages sent to nonexistent addresses. For instance, if your email address is info@domain.com, but somebody miswrites it and sends a message to inof@domain.com, it will still be received in the catch-all mailbox that you have set up. Only one mailbox per domain name can have this feature enabled and thus you’ll never miss messages because the other side has an outdated address or has made a typographical error. The drawback of setting up a catch-all mailbox is that you may begin receiving a lot of spam email messages, but this problem can be solved using an anti-spam protection solution. It’s also important to remember that a mailbox with an enabled catch-all functionality cannot forward incoming messages to a 3rd-party email address.

Catch-all Emails in Shared Website Hosting

If you host a domain on our cloud hosting platform and you’ve got a shared website hosting account, you’ll be able to activate the catch-all functionality for any e-mailbox that you create under the domain. The Hepsia hosting Control Panel’s Email Manager section offers quite a lot of features, but it is astonishingly user-friendly, so configuring a catch-all mailbox takes just a single click. All the email addresses that you’ve set up will be listed in this section in alphabetical order and you will simply have to click the "Catch-all" button associated with the respective email address. Our system will inform you if there’s already another catch-all mailbox enabled for that domain name or if the one that you want to be a catch-all mailbox has email forwarding activated, so you can either deactivate the latter feature or select a different mailbox. Disabling the catch-all feature is just as easy and requires yet another mouse click on the exact same button.