Utter OS independence

Set up whatever OS you desire

Generally, when you buy a Virtual Private Server, you get to choose from a restricted assortment of OSs, since they’re the only ones compatible with the virtualization software. However, KVM-based Virtual Private Servers do not need any kind of virtualization software – they interact directly with the physical server’s hardware components. This allows you to pick practically any Operating System that can run on the specific server. Do you wish to run BSD on your Virtual Private Server? It can be done.
Utter OS independence

NVMe–structured VPS Hosting Solutions

Your multi–media webpages will now become very quick

Each individual Linux KVM VPS hosting package available from IT Service Pros Web Hosting is provided with really quick NVMe drives. They support much faster data file accessibility and a lot faster read/write speeds in comparison to the common hard disks. In reality, these NVMe drives can make your website pages operate a lot quicker. And you won’t have to adjust a single thing to make the most of the advantages available from the NVMe disks.

NVMe–structured VPS Hosting Solutions

An appreciably improved server resource usage

Efficient use of system resources

Generally, virtual servers require an extra communication layer between them and the physical machine to handle resource management. This implies a markedly decreased amount of available resources for the virtual servers themselves. With KVM, this extra layer is removed, since the virtualization platform itself is built straight into the host server’s OS. This way, all the resources offered by the host machine can be used by the KVM-based VPSs that have been configured. This system resource availability provides you with that extra edge you require so as to make your sites and web apps conspicuously distinguishable from your rivals’.
An appreciably improved server resource usage

A pioneering virtualization approach

A kernel-based server virtualization

The biggest benefit of the KVM virtualization platform lies in the fact that it is baked directly into the physical host machine’s OS, removing the necessity for any extra virtualization layers. This goes to say that there is no requirement for another software application that sits between the host server and the VPSs that have been set up. The aforementioned also rules out the virtualization layer as a likely SPOF (single point of failure). All this leads to faster and far more stable KVM-driven virtual servers in comparison with other virtual servers.
A pioneering virtualization approach

No VPS Installation Fees

No installation or system repairs and maintenance charges

Our Linux KVM VPS hosting packages are based upon a highly developed virtualization technology that gives you more autonomy from the rest of the end users on the web hosting server. The license fee for this technology increases the value of a VPS pack when compared to that of a regular cloud hosting package. To make up for the greater rate, we won’t impose any configuration and network routine maintenance fees.

No VPS Installation Fees

Specs of Your VPS

Be in full power over your virtual server environment

Each of our Linux KVM VPS hosting packages is equipped with all the vital settings that you may need to be able to control your dynamic online presence. You will get a variety of Linux OS versions, a good amount of memory space allocations and a group of 100% free software toos, for instance a dedicated IP and also a domain name marketer account. Therefore, no matter whether you choose to host one consuming web site or a smaller web app host, or you plan to in fact start off your own private reseller hosting business, you will definitely have everything you need at your fingertips.

Specs of Your VPS

Linux distribution Alternatives

Pick your Linux distribution

You are able to select a Linux syndication – Debian, CentOS or Ubuntu with all of our Linux KVM VPS hosting packages.

Linux distribution Alternatives

Gratis Tools with Your VPS

100% free reseller hosting tools and a free–of–charge dedicated IP

We include many different cost–free gifts with your Linux KVM VPS hosting package to help you easily improve your sites. You’ll get hold of a zero cost dedicated IP. Also, due to the domain reseller account and the ClientExec assist & invoicing software that we include, you are able to to begin your individual reseller web hosting company completely from scratch.

Gratis Tools with Your VPS

A 100% free Dedicated IP

1 unique free–of–charge dedicated IP with each virtual hosting server

With every single Linux KVM VPS hosting package, you will get one completely free dedicated IP address.

A 100% free Dedicated IP

Server Content Backup

A painless and risk–free way to back up fundamental information

Absolutely nothing is more annoying than failing to keep your information on the web hosting server by chance and being unaware of the best way to restore it. Each of our Linux KVM VPS hosting packages is duplicated by our sysadmins on a routine schedule and might be brought back at any moment. It means that we back up all the things on your web server – from your webpage’s favicon to your web server and PHP configuration settings.

Server Content Backup

Setup and Troubleshooting

Let our sys admins complete the really hard job for you

Our admins can help you with the installation of any software app that you prefer for your web page. At the same time, if you experience a difficulty with your web hosting server that you do not know how to handle, you can contact them for advice. The Setup & Troubleshooting assistance is available as an add–on with every Linux KVM VPS hosting package at a really good cost.

Setup and Troubleshooting

Total Root Server Access Rights to the Hosting Server

Total access to to each aspect of your server

Having complete root access to the Linux KVM VPS hosting package (with cPanel), you could easily turn into an admin of your web hosting server environment. Such admission permits you to add a Linux OS or enhance the Apache hosting server options. You could also install all types of software packs and restart the hosting server anytime you have to. By making use of our Installation & Troubleshooting plan, you are able to give all this work to our sys administrators.

Total Root Server Access Rights to the Hosting Server

Hepsia Reseller Tools

Earn money with your server

Witness the capabilities of the IT Service Pros Web Hosting web hosting interface in initiating your very own reseller hosting business seamlessly. Utilize the Manage Accounts functionality to set up up to 5 independent sub-accounts, each ripe for resale to your desired audience. Even if selling web hosting isn't your main focus, making use of extra client accounts can efficiently offset maintenance server expenses. Please remember that while Managed Services packages are available, help with billing or client assistance is not within our capacity.

Hepsia Reseller Tools